Address coordinates
AddressBase Core provides accurate locations for every address in the form of grid references and ETRS89 coordinates.
- Easting and northings
- Latitude and longitude

Every home and business address across England, Wales and Scotland
So you can always be sure you have the very latest address information
AddressBase Core provides accurate locations for every address
Records include UPRN, UDPRN and a number of other key identifiers
Quickly identify properties from residential to commercial and more
AddressBase Core provides accurate locations for every address in the form of grid references and ETRS89 coordinates.
AddressBase Core is updated weekly by Ordnance Survey, so you can always be sure you have the very latest address information.
Talk to SalesEach record includes the UPRN, the UDPRN and a number of other key identifiers to help you locate, match and gain insights from other location datasets.
AddressBase Core gets most of its addressing information from Local Authorities, who have a legal responsibility to capture and maintain accurate address data for Great Britain.
Each record includes a classification to help you quickly understand the type of property from residential to commercial and more.
Talk to SalesPostcoder is hosted on a leading cloud platform in the UK and Ireland, and is supported by our friendly team of addressing specialists.
"It took us under a day to swap out our old system with Postcoder and we have been enjoying it ever since."
"We've been really pleased with the uptime and reliability of the service."